OSOH is alive!

Welcome to Open Science Office Hours, where Open Science comes alive.

OSOH is alive!

Hi 👋 I’m Kendra, and I’m here to announce that Open Science Office Hours is live!

We hold office hours at the Neuro to help researchers make their research more open. But we do more than that.

Our goal is to empower students and researchers to make their work more open. We do this by curating open-science resources, facilitating discussion, and offering individual assistance.

So why are we “Open Science Office Hours”? Well at first we just planned to hold office hours. But we did a survey, and many people wanted tutorials and resource lists, too. Also, it wasn’t cute to call it “Open Science Office Hours, Resources, Dicussions, and Tutorials”

Who are we? OSOH is a community initiative, built by graduate students in Neuroscience at McGill University. We’re very grateful that we received support by the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute (TOSI) and The Neuro (Montreal Neurological Institute-Hospital).

You’ve read this far, so maybe you’re interested enough to know how we started. Originally, OSOH was conceived as a continuation of the BrainHack School, a summer school that takes place in Montreal.

The BrainHack School involves an intensive week-long course, where students learn about neuroimaging data science with open tools. They learn git/GitHub, Python, data visualization, and machine learning. I did the course myself years ago. It’s very cool.

But when students finish the course, they may not have immediate lab support for doing their research with the open tools. That’s where the idea of OSOH came from - we wanted to support students all year. But now our vision has expanded to help researchers at all levels.

Join us! We are looking forward to working with the community. Please check our our Get Involved page to see how you can get involved.