Office Hours

Need suppport with any aspect of Open Science? Come talk to us!

Book an appointment with Open Science Office Hours @ McGill University

General Walk-in Hours

We offer walk-in office hours Tuesdays from 3PM to 5PM at The Neuro (McGill University), during which we welcome questions about any open science subject. See Calendar for details.

One-on-One with Theme Expert

If you have questions related to the current Monthly Theme, we invite you to arrange an appointment with our monthly expert(s) through the booking tool.

Book an appointment with Open Science Office Hours @ McGill University

Here are some examples of what we can help with:

You are an undergraduate student, who constantly runs into paywalls when trying to read papers that spark your interest. You would like to know more about McGill's efforts to enable open publishing.

You are a new graduate student and are just getting started on your research project. You would like to collaborate with other lab members on analyzing your data, but would like to be able to track, adjust and potentially reverse their changes to the code.

You are a new PI and are incredulous about the amount of costs involved in the tools and software used for your research. You would like to learn more about open science alternatives to be more cost-efficient.

You are established in your field of research and have been managing your own lab for a long time now. However, you are unsatisfied with how your research is being disseminated and would like to make your findings more reproducible and accessible to others.