Intro to Git/GitHub

In February, we introduce you to git and GitHub for tracking and sharing your code.

Expert of the month

Kendra Oudyk
PhD candidate, McGill University

Kendra is a PhD candidate in the lab of Jean-Baptiste Poline, where she works on neuroimaging meta-research. She has been teaching git and GitHub in courses and workshops for several years.



February 6, 2024, 3-5 pm


The Neuro, De Grandpre auditorium


This workshop is aimed at people who are new to git and GitHub, and those who have some experience but want to deepen their understanding. We will begin with a discussion of what is distributed version control and why we should use git in research. We will then go over the basics of using git to track your work, including going back in time to previous versions of your work. Finally, we will explore how to share work on GitHub and some features that help with collaboration on code. The first part of the workshop will be a lecture, and the second part will involve some hands-on activities.

Attendance is FREE, please register: