
In December, we introduce DataLad for tracking your datasets.

Expert of the month

Adina Wagner
Research Associate, Forschungszentrum Jülich

Adina Wagner is a research associate at the Forschungszentrum Jülich and doctoral researcher at the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany. She is a software developer for the DataLad project, an open source data management tool built upon Git and git-annex, and a proponent of open science, open source, and reproducible research. As a coordinator for research software engineering, research data management, and AI she represents the Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine: Brain and Behavior and its open source software tools in the Helmholtz society.



December 13, 2023, with pizza at 12:30PM and the talk at 1PM.


The Neuro, De Grandpre auditorium


In this months’ open science hours, she will introduce DataLad and its features for open and reproducible science. A workshop-like introductory lecture will give participants the chance to try out the tool with interactive hands-on examples, and introduce core concepts for open science, such as version control, digital provenance, containerization, or data publication. The workshop focuses on technical and conceptual aspects alike, and aims to equip the participants with skills they could transfer to the real-world data collected during their research.

Attendance is FREE, please register: